OIO Publisher gives you a perfect control of all Ad spaces in your site and allows you to easily manage your paid advertisements as well as 3’ party Ad’s. You can use it to manage banner Ads, text links, paid [...]
Plugins & Extensions
Latest News Ticker Plugin Review-A Premium WordPress Ticker plug-in
Ticker are a must have for blogs, news and entertainment sites as they instantly catch your users attention. They can be used to scroll headlines, deals and can also be used for catch taglines for your site. The plug-in allows [...]
List Eruption Plug-in Review- A Premium Plugin for creating referral newsletter subscriptions
“List Eruptions” is designed to help you promote your newsletter subscription amongst your users. You can use it to set reward points for your users whenever they refer a friend to sign-up for your newsletter. You can also specify rewards [...]
Formidable Pro Plugin Review- A Premium WordPress Plug-In for creating custom forms
Formidable Pro allows you to easily create custom forms for your visitors with a easy to use drag and drop interface . It can be used to build forms, testimonials, user poll widgets, listings, surveys etc and can completely replace [...]
“WP Text to Ad” Plugin Review- A Premium Advertizing management plug-in
WP Text to Ad plug-in is a premium plug-in to include hover ads in your site. Unlike conventional banner ads, you can also include ads based on identified keywords which show when the mouse is hovered on them. This gives [...]
“WHO IS” plug-in Review-A Premium plugin to create a WHOIS search form on your site
The WordPress WHOIS plug-in from Tribulant.com gives your users an ability to use a built-in WHOIS search form within your site. You can include the plug-in in any location and can have users get contact and registrant/registrar information on domain [...]