OIO Publisher Plugin Review-A Premium WordPress Ad manager plug-in

OIO Publisher gives you a perfect control of all  Ad spaces in your site and allows you to easily manage your paid advertisements as well as 3’ party Ad’s. You can use it to manage  banner Ads, text links, paid reviews  etc. A single license can be used for all of your sites.  You can also use to sell you own custom products such as digital downloads, eBooks etc.

OIO Publisher-Premium Ad manager plug-in for WordPress

The plug-in also comes with a built-in affiliate management program that helps you track and manage your conversions. It automatically manages all Ad purchases  and deletes expired Ads. The built-in system keeps a track of Ad clicks and impressions, with an automated email sent out to advertisers every week. In case of an empty slot, the system automatically uses your own default Ads instead of showing an empty space.

The plug-in is easy to install with a unique one-click installation. You also get a dedicated after sales support  along with access to tutorials in the support forum. You can also use the Ad marketplace to submit your own Ads.

The OIO Publisher is a fully integrated solution for  Ad management and  saves you time and increases your revenue. It’s priced at $47 and can be purchased from the above link.

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OIO Publisher Plugin Review-A Premium WordPress Ad manager plug-in , 9.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating