WPMU Dev Gallery Theme Review

Gallery theme is designed to display your content and is available in basic and advanced types. You can create your individual home page and the theme incorporates a key concept which allows you freedom to choose your content. The theme options segment enables you to apply an entire variety of settings for home page.

WPMU Dev Gallery Theme


• Custom content types

Gallery contains inbuilt specific post types accompanied by its individual menu named Exhibitions which sets up the whole thing.

• Theme options

Gallery has complete theme options variety which can be entered under its menu section from where you can configure theme options, styles, and customization as well as view the help files.

WPMU Dev Gallery Theme

• Simple SEO

Gallery has an easy SEO which helps to drive traffic to your site.

• Add logos

The theme allows you to insert a tiny or big graphic logo.

• Google fonts

The theme incorporates Google fonts which you can obtain from the font directory and add style to your pages.

• Various templates

Gallery theme incorporates whole width, blog or news and showcase as well as attachment templates.

WPMU Dev Gallery Theme

• Many widget sidebars

By keeping the different sidebars in the theme, the customers are able to customize the whole thing according to his preferences and make modifications in future.

• Google analytics

Google analytics offers helpful statistics which are not commonly provided by log files at the server end, like PPC against normal SEO traffic as well as visitor conduct. The theme places this code in the footer which shortens the page loading duration.

• Different styles

The theme has eleven different styles and you can also create your personal style.

• Custom header integration

The incorporation of custom header enables you to easily insert any code into the functions.php file of the theme and fully customize the header section and the user can upload their selected header image.

• WordPress menus

WordPress menus are integrated and you can simply drag and place to build your individual menus without the need of coding.

• Parent & Child theme

As Gallery is a parent & child theme, the customizations made by you are protected from forthcoming upgrades because only the parent is updated and never edited, with the customizations being safeguarded in child theme as it is not upgraded. The whole process makes the update convenient.


The theme is fully checked and customized for functioning with WordPress as well as WP Multisite and you don’t need to upload any file or modify any HTML sentence or php and CSS and bother with bugs or problems.


You may run into trouble if you spoil the theme or perform bad actions with non-compliant plugins or disorganize your database. You may require altering all the sites of your network to customize Gallery theme.


Pro: 53 dollars for a month (159 dollars over 3 months)
Pro Elite: 35 dollars each month ($419 annually)
Elite: $79 for a month
Single theme cost: $39.

Here’s the list of more Premium WordPress Themes from Wpmudev.org:

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