Wpnow GameNow Theme Review

GameNow theme belongs to premium WordPress category which is concerned with gaming and lets you change among dark as well as light color patterns. GameNow utilizes colors in high contrast for better display, and design components which go well with a conventional gaming portal. The theme’s GD Star ranking tool permits user-incorporated five star grading. It is full of vibrant and fascinating colors and is suited for journals and multimedia as well as news. The theme has two columns and can be ideally filled with images, features and movies as well as reviews of your preferred games and you can even insert your personal advertisement.

Wpnow GameNow Theme


• Widget-compliant

You can insert and organize widgets onto your portal with GameNow.

• Automatic panel on theme options

There is a simple single-click panel on theme options for wordpress, which makes it convenient to style and specify your portals according to your preferences.

• Adsense ready

GameNow is AdSense compatible and attracts Google clients on every subject and helps to initiate revenue online.

• Threaded comments

The theme’s threaded comments which have five levels allow users to answer different persons’ comments which are posted.

• Specific page templates

GameNow contains page templates relating to sitemap and no sidebar as well as bookmarks.

• WP-PageNavi

The plug-in page navigation for WordPress combines an improved paging navigation link.

• All-in-one SEO

The theme includes WordPress SEO tools which makes it perfect for your blog in WordPress with regard to search engines

• Contact form

The theme contains an inbuilt contact application by which users can reach out to you.

• WP 3.0 compatible

The theme is designed to operate on WP3.0 and supports its specific menus.

• SEO compatible tagging

The theme has inbuilt plugins for the compulsory page title tag and optional meta descriptor which helps in optimization of SEO.

• JavaScript Dynamic Slideshow

Gamenow hosts the JavaScript slideshow which is excellent for adding charm to your photographs or the front page and even for displaying a story with animated halting movements. The reusable factor of the JavaScript is its main advantage. Where in you can design a fresh slide show by imitating the code and indicating it at a fresh image folder.

• 2 column arrangement

Gamenow has a 2 columnar format.

• Two color systems

The theme has two separate color groups – you can choose one or allow your users to select.

• Menu and Submenu customization

Both the menu and submenu can be customized to the “Show” or “Don’t Show” option.

• Convenient Ad locations

GameNow contains simple to operate default advertisement locations.

• Three highlighted sections

To configure the three segments that come under spotlight, browse to the panel on theme options and use the pop-down menus to choose the three sections which you want to show.

• Top Articles category on the basis of comment count

Top articles comprise of articles published in the previous 2 weeks on the basis of comment activity in downward order. The module only lists fresh articles, which may show articles older than 14 days if any recent articles have not been attached.

• Grouping of same posts

Identical posts throughout various social media have been aggregated on the content pages, to provide a convenient and clean interface.

• Stylish and nested blockquotes

You can create stylish blockquotes to render your blog more attractive and you can also place one quote within another to build nested blockquotes.


GameNow is a highly potent and customizable theme. It has five star grading mechanism and it isn’t necessary for you to use a single bit of HTML or even PHP. The initial costs of designing your game revaluation portal are very low.


The theme is quite burdensome on many web hosting services and loads slowly.


GameNow Basic (with one free theme as bonus): $49
GameNow Developer (with one free theme as bonus): $69.

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