Templatic Aggregator Theme Review

The Aggregator theme is exclusively made for people who want to aggregate their feed from everywhere in a single location. Further, its attractive layout makes it an interesting place to display aggregated feeds.

Templatic Aggregator Theme


• Widgetization– The theme offers 100% support to widgets, enhancing the website’s accessibility. Users as well as visitors are easily able to get to the various options available on a website. A single widget can be used to add feeds again and again.

• Colour Schemes– The theme is available in two different colour schemes which add to the overall aesthetics of the site and attracts more visitors as well.

• Snippets– In case someone hovers over a news title feed, they can see a snippet of the article.

• Aggregate feeds– The theme allows the user to aggregate feeds of all kinds be it Flickr images, blog posts or even audio and videos

• Display of Feeds– The theme enables users to display feeds in the form of images and post title. Further, users can specify the post count on each of the feeds they aggregate.


Other features of the theme include a drop down menu, complete with single posts and a page layout, which combined with its state of the art features, leads to utmost satisfaction on the part of the user.


The theme may take a long time to download due to excessive data.


The theme is available for download for free.

Templatic Aggregator Theme


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