One of the most important components of having a successful website is to associate with a reputed web hosting company. IX Web Hosting service providers are the world leaders and provide with the finest quality of web hosting solutions. The web hosting plans offered by the company are packed with rich features. The clients can choose from a large variety of plans that suit their needs in a perfect manner. Certain basic services are offered to their clients free of cost irrespective of the plan they choose.
These services include unlimited web space, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited data transfers, unlimited domain, and unlimited sub-domain hosting along with a free trial for a week. IX Web Hosting also offers expert site building services making it simple for clients to create and maintain their website without any hitches. Once the site building is done smoothly, IX Web Hosting also assists in the marketing and promotion of the websites. Along with providing excellent services at affordable prices, the company also offers world class customer service. The IX Web Hosting provides services in various domains to their clients. Apart from offering web hosting services, the company also offers the service of virtual private servers and cloud hosting.
Official Website:
For more details on the services provided by IX Web Hosting, the customers can log on to the official website of the company i.e. The customers can garner necessary details and gain information on the technology the company uses and what makes it the best web hosting company.
People Associated with It (Inventors and the Company Who Made It):
IX Web Hosting has been providing world class services since 1999. The company is a subsidiary of Ecommerce Corporation. Ecommerce Corporation is a global company that has offices situated in almost all the continents. One can log on to for more information. Faith Said is the founder of the IX Web Hosting service providers. The company has developed nearly 500,000+ sites till date.
When choosing a web hosting company, the first priority is to select a service provider that is able to provide the maximum uptime as it vastly impacts how often your website is available for your customers to use. IX Web Hosting possesses state of art data center in United States. Every department like marketing, customer relations, systems administrators work along side by side to provide the best possible service to the clients. The company has their redundant 3(n+1) data center to provide the maximum uptime along with +1 extra back up.
Along with the basic plans, there are certain services that are offered to all the clients of IX Web Hosting. The services that clients can enjoy completely free of cost include unlimited web space, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited data transfers, unlimited domain, and unlimited sub-domain hosting along with a free trial for a week.
The customer service provided by the company is just out of the world. The support representatives are very friendly and knowledgeable. One can connect with customer support any time of day or night, seven days a week with the help of email, ticket, chat or phone. For clients that have their own control panel, operating system, guaranteed uptime, system resources and full root access IX Web Hosting provides the services of virtual private servers and cloud computing. This is just like having an own completely dedicated server and having better performance, increased uptime and totally hassle free.
IX Web Hosting also provides a full seven day money return policy. During this time, the clients can get a complete feel of the free hosting. Your credit card won’t be charged for seven days. The clients can cancel the transaction anytime they are dissatisfied so that no billing is done. There will be no hassles of fighting for refunds or going through the fine prints.
Just like everything else there are a few shortcomings in IX Web Hosting. There are several advantages of the services provided by the company. Some of the cons that the company is working on include the use of the platform of H-sphere with the help of Psoft. In comparison to cPanel, Psoft is somewhat amateur. The software for web configuration used by the company is a bit old that doesn’t respond at times. Although the customer support offered by the IX Web Hosting is just great but for the overseas customers it is a bit of a hassle. The IX Web Hosting service providers are working on providing a better support for the overseas clients. This problem is generally faced due to the time difference. The pricing of the company is also not true. If the client is opting for a hosting plan for small duration then the chances are that they might have to pay a bit extra per month. IX Web Hosting doesn’t provide backup of the files and also doesn’t support certain scripts.
IX Web Hosting service providers enjoy a strong reputation as creative industry leaders. From their commencement till date the company focuses on maintaining the maximum customer satisfaction level of their customers. IX Web Hosting offers all the necessary features that are expected from a world class professional web hosting service. The clients enjoy unlimited disk space, hosted domain and bandwidth along with all the hosting plans. The number of dedicated IPs and no. of domains that are provided irrespective of charge vary. So if the clients wish to enjoy shared hosting in the right manner IX Web Hosting is the place to be. It is affordable, reliable, fast and easy.
With the help of free site creator, the clients can build their site the way they want it in the right manner without even having to pay the designer fee and investing less amount of time and effort. The company also offers free of cost advertising coupons for use in popular search engines like Google, Yahoo etc. with this the clients can announce the launch of their website to the whole world and thus making their website successful by selling their product. The clients can also use the web designing service to give a new look to their existing website. With the help of professional web designing, the customers have the power to completely change the way their website is viewed by the visitors.
IX Web Hosting also offers dedicated and free IP addresses along with the shared hosting plans .
This feature allows the website to run in a dedicated manner from an IP address that is private without having to share with other websites. This is a real big benefit as the IP address can then be accessible all the time even in case of unavailability of the DNS domain name. If the client wishes to have an ecommerce website and wants to have their own SSL certificate, then their dreams can come true by the IX Web Hosting team with the help of free dedicated IPs that will be provided with their hosting accounts.
IX Web Hosting also has an exciting control panel that helps the clients to manage their database effectively along with their FTP account manager and file manager. The h-sphere scalable multi-lingual control panel is bound to satisfy the need of all the customers. The customers can also install commonly used PHP scripts like phpbb, drupal, word press, joomla and many more just with a single click.
How It Works:
The main aim of the IX Web Hosting team is to make web space available for publishing and running the website over the internet. IX Web Hosting team provides services for site building and running to their clients too. The clients are able to sell their products online or publish the required information for public access. IX Web Hosting does it best to keep the servers running 24x7x365 days. The team works around the clock to keep the server up and produce minimum downtime. IX web hosting service providers have with them tier 3n+1 redundant data center that helps in keeping the site up almost all the time.
Everyone has a different need when it comes to web hosting. Keeping this in mind, IX Web Hosting offers the customers to choose from three plans at an extremely affordable rate. The expert plan is available for $3.95 per month, the unlimited plan is available for $7.95 per month and the business plus plan is available for $9.95 per month. All the three plans are priced very reasonably. Irrespective of the plans chosen by the client, there are certain additional features provided by the company that are completely free of cost. These features include free and unlimited usage of bandwidth and disk space. So the clients can host any number of domains as they wish. So whether you have a larger website to look after or a series of small websites, IX Web Hosting is perfect for all your needs. There is also a free trial period of seven days wherein all the services provided by the company can be experienced.
If one talks about competition as such, the IX Web Hosting doesn’t face any. No one matches even close to the amazing services offfered by IX Web Hosting. some of the companies present in the market include Fat Cow, iPage, Just Host, Inmotion, Bluehost, Hub, Host Papa, Host Monster, Green Geeks, iPower and many more.
How is it Different from the Competitors?
There are plenty of reasons for choosing IX Web Hosting over the web hosting service providers present in the country. The company provides an excellent host of services at amazing prices and that has made them the number one player in their field.
The management at IX Web Hosting come with an experience of several years from the domain of support services, system administration, marketing, billing, sales, quality assurance etc. the company has the best records of providing world class service to its customers. Their customer help center is open all around the clock all the days of the year.
IX Web Hosting offers incredible web hosting service packages that are very rich in feature and are extremely affordable. It is nearly impossible to find such a package over the internet. They also services like free site building, site marketing and promotion, maximum uptime, important installation just in one click, virtual private servers, cloud computing and include as many features as possible for their clients.
The team delivers what they promise unlike the other web hosting service providers. The customers can choose from any of the three packages to suit their business needs and help them grow. Even after experiencing all the amazing features, if the customer is not satisfied with the services provided by the company their investment would be returned after a free trial of seven days. The customers can also choose an unlimited package which provides for unlimited amount of disk space, domain names, databases and bandwidth for their website.
IX Web Hosting service providers offer services that are packed with exciting features at a nominal cost. One can get complete value of money by choosing any of the plans. Apart from being, flexible, reliable and providing world class technology, the company also follows a seven day free trial plan. With the cutting edge technology with free redundant routing and network, the customers can enjoy maximum uptime along with round the clock best in class customer service for assistance in system and network administration. The clients can achieve their dreams and set up a successful ecommerce set up with the help of several amazing features offered by IX Web Hosting.
Conclusion (Whether it is Worth Buying or Not):
IX Web Hosting is among the best available web hosting companies present in the market that keeps itself updated with the latest technology available. If the clients give more importance and weightage to the prices while selecting web hosting company then too IX Web Hosting is the undisputed leader. Their affordable pricing is the reason why many companies are still working with them after years. The customers are taken care of round the clock by the friendly and experienced customer service support. The clients can choose from three flexible plans that come with additional free features. Overall the IX Web Hosting Company provides a real value for money and contains extraordinary features that will keep it on top and thus it is the first preference of the customers.
Return Of Investment When Buying This:
In every aspect the services provided by the IX Web Hosting are unmatchable and better than the rest. When the website is down there are n number of problems faced and causes a lot of frustration. Quality Assurance is the prime focus of IX Web Hosting. The company possesses tier 3 n+1 technology. This is done with the help of best in class high quality servers and other high end infrastructure that the company possesses. The company also offers free advertising coupons for popular search engines like Yahoo, Google and many more. By using these sites the clients can get their message across to their customers and can make their idea/product/ service successful.
Coupons or Discounts (if any):
Even though the plans and prices offered by the IX Web Hosting Discount coupons are quite competitive, to make the things exciting, the company has further slashed around $3 on all the plans i.e. on expert plan, unlimited plan and business plus plan. The clients can enjoy an annual saving of around $227.85. According to the plan chosen the clients are provided a particular number of dedicated IPs and domain registrations free of cost.
IX Web Hosting Video Tutorial: